150+ Positive, Uplifting, Encouraging Quotes For Depression – The Depression Project

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150+ Positive, Uplifting, Encouraging Quotes For Depression – The Depression Project

#150+ Positive, Uplifting, Encouraging Quotes For Depression – The Depression Project| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Each day at The Depression Project, we email 50,000+ people a free positive, uplifting, encouraging quote to give them a boost and help them get through their day. And, in this blog post, we'd like to share with you:

145 of the most popular positive, uplifting, encouraging quotes from our daily quotes series; A free workbook full of positive, uplifting, encouraging quotes for depression that are accompanied by thoughtful, fill-in-the-blank statements as well – to help you create your very own hopeful, uplifting, re-assuring reminders; An additional 20+ quotes to help motivate and encourage you if you have depression - as told to us by members of The Depression Project's 3,000,000+ person social media community.

With that being said, as promised, let's now start by sharing 145 of the most popular positive, uplifting, encouraging quotes from our daily quotes series!

NOTE: If you'd like to start being emailed a free positive, uplifting, encouraging quote each day as well, then you're most welcome to click the button below and add yourself to the list of people we send them to :) 

Click Here To Join 50,000+ People With Depression Receiving Our Free Uplifting Quotes! 145 Positive, Uplifting, Encouraging Quotes For Depression - In Order To Give You A Boost When You Need It Most! Please remember that you’re capable, brave and loved – even when it feels like you’re not. Do not give the past the power to define your future. Perhaps you’ve been assigned this mountain to show others that it can be moved. Just a reminder: it is NOT selfish to put your recovery first. Rather, it’s necessary in order to make sure that everything else doesn’t come last. Small, baby steps each day add up to huge, giant leaps over time. So, please keep going.  Do NOT give up. You are not worthless, you are not a failure, and you are not a loser. That voice saying you are is just your depression trying to trick you. On those really difficult days when it seems impossible to go on and you feel like giving up, just remind yourself that you’ve been there before and you’ve survived every time, so you can survive this time, too. Even the darkest hour only has 60 minutes. Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness yet become something beautiful again. Always try to end the day with a positive thought. No matter how hard things are, tomorrow is a fresh opportunity to make everything better. The World Health Organisation estimates that 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide. We know it may not seem like it, but you are NOT alone. Don’t hate yourself for everything you aren’t. Instead, love yourself for everything you are. Running away from your problems is a race you’ll never win. Instead, reach out for help and try to confront them. Don’t let your struggle become your identity. After all, you are so much more than just your illness. Positive Uplifting, encouraging quotes for depression - write down your reasons to keep on fighting Be proud of who you are, instead of ashamed of how someone else sees you. Crying doesn’t mean that you’re weak. Since birth, it’s always been a sign that you’re alive. Don’t dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up. Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up on yourself. As long as you keep on fighting, then you can beat your depression. Right now, stop whatever you’re doing and think of all the things in life that you are grateful for. This is a really easy way to lift your mood! Even if you can’t see any reason to keep on going, then it doesn’t mean that there aren’t any. It just means that in that moment, your depression is telling you even more lies than usual. Even the worst depressive episodes won’t last forever. Having depression does not mean you are weak, a failure, or worth less than anybody else. Please, don’t discriminate against yourself. If you need a confidence booster, then remind yourself of all the difficult things you’ve endured and overcome. Don’t ruin a good day by thinking about the possibility of a bad day in the future. Just enjoy the present moment :) As Confucius said, our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we do. When your depression says, “Give up”, hope whispers, “Try one more time”. If you’re worried about telling a friend that you struggle with depression, then remind yourself that you are one of 350 million people battling this illness. So, odds are that even if you don’t know it, one or more of your friends are fighting depression too but are similarly scared to reach out to you. You are brave, courageous and strong for continuing to fight an illness that nobody else can see. One day, if not already, your refusal to give up will inspire someone else. Please remember that having a bad day does not mean you have – or will have – a bad life. Hope is one of the most powerful emotions a person can have. Combine it with determination and there’s no stopping you. In any given moment, we have two choices: to step forward into growth, or step backwards into safety. Stepping backwards may make us feel better in the short term, but stepping forwards will undoubtedly make us feel better in the long term. Never put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket. Just because you’re going through a rough patch, it doesn’t mean you always will be. Recovery is possible. We promise you. Just because you have a mental illness, it doesn't mean that you are that illness. You're still a person – just like everybody else. Recovery is a process. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes hard work. It takes everything you’ve got. But it IS possible. Sometimes, you just need to cry your eyes out to be able to keep going. And you know what? That's OK. Listen to positive people and ignore negative ones. After all, people who doubt, judge and disrespect you are not worth your energy. Healing is a process, not an event. Give it time. Good things happen to those who never give up. Mental illness is NOT a life sentence. Don’t be upset or caught up with things or people you cannot change. Instead, move on, let go, and concentrate on what you can change. When your depression tells you that it’s impossible to be free of it, it is LYING! Today, do one little thing to take better care of yourself. Then, do it again tomorrow. Positive, uplifting, encouraging quote for depression - depression does not make you a burden When something goes wrong, take a moment to be thankful for all the things in your life that are going right. No-one ever injured their eyesight by looking on the bright side. You’re allowed to scream. You’re allowed to cry. You’re allowed to fall apart. But you are not allowed to give up. Scars tell where we have been. They do not have to dictate where we are going. Remember, breakdowns can create breakthroughs. Sometimes, things fall apart so that other things can fall together. Never forget that you are worthy of love and respect. Sometimes you have to fight through your worst days in order to earn the best days of your life. Remember that life’s greatest lessons are usually learned at the worst times and from the worst mistakes. You might be sad because you’ve been through a lot, but you should also be proud of yourself for being strong enough to make it through everything you’ve been through. When you say you suffer from a physical illness, you get sympathy. When you say you suffer from depression, you sometimes get blamed. We know it sucks, but at the very least, please take solace in the fact that you are not alone – as evidenced by the fact that 350 million people in the world struggle with depression. If someone doesn’t respect you, appreciate you and value you, then they don’t deserve you. If you’re going through a hard time right now, make sure you do something today that makes you smile. When you’re struggling with depression, it’s really important to schedule some time in for daily self-care that gives you a lift. In the context of mental health, courage can be defined as the strength to ask for help. Starting today, stop keeping track of all the mistakes you’ve ever made. It’s time to forgive yourself and start being your own best friend. Always look for something positive in each day ... even if some days you need to look a little harder than others. Things may seem gloomy ahead and you may feel like giving up, but if you don’t keep going, then you will never know what is just around the corner. Sometimes it’s OK if the only thing you did today was breathe. Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means that you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you. You are NOT your illness. You have an individual story to tell. You have a name, a history, a personality. Staying yourself is part of the battle. It is not weak to say, “I’m not OK, and I need help”. On the contrary, it is brave. It is courageous. And in the end, it could save your life. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remind yourself how far you have come. Remind yourself of everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome. No matter who gives up on you, don’t you ever give up on yourself. Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones. Never stop doing your best just because someone doesn’t give you credit for it. Sometimes the hardest part of the journey is believing you’re worth the trip – but we’re here to tell you that you are. Life is like a camera: focus on what’s important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don’t work out, take another shot. Whatever you do, never forget that you’re human. It’s OK to have a meltdown. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are heading. Remember: Your illness does not define you. Your strength and your courage does. No one is ever too




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